Empowering You to Live Your Best Financial Life
Our expertise in financial, investment, and retirement planning will guide your path to financial fulfillment.
How to Prepare for Market Crashes: Essential Tips for Investors
Market crashes are unpredictable—but they don’t have to derail your financial journey. The key to surviving (and thriving) during market downturns lies in preparation. Think of it like being a scout: always ready for what’s to come.
The Truth About Market Volatility: How to Keep Calm and Stay Invested
Feeling overwhelmed by market volatility? Stop stressing over short-term swings. Learn how to build a resilient portfolio and invest with confidence for the long term. Discover proven strategies to stay the course and achieve your financial goals.
The Great Investment Lie
True investment success comes from patience, discipline, and sticking to your plan, even in turbulent times. Don’t fall for the myth—focus on the steady, proven approach that truly grows wealth over time.
What a Great Financial Planner Can Do for You
In this “bullet point post,” I’ll share what I believe you need from your Financial Planner (even if that might be you!)
How To Define What You Want Out Of Life
If I were to ask you what your goals are for your life, would you be able to answer? Or, would it evoke a sense of overwhelm or fear that you won’t be able to achieve or accomplish everything you want to in life? That you can’t or won’t do “enough.”
The Upside To A Market Crash
If you are in the savings/investing mode, would you rather stock prices today be over or under the true value of the companies you are buying?
Your Investments Should Be Experienced
When investing, it is easy to be attracted to the various vehicles, sectors, and strategies that surround us. Wall Street (and other financial agitators) knows this and they invent new angles every day with the primary goal of getting into your pocket.
Use The Markets Like a Tool
Investing has become a game to most, but it should never be approached this way. From meme stocks to crypto, many of you are being far too cavalier with your investments.
Don’t Just Do Something! Stand There!
The annual update to DALBAR’s Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB) study confirmed once again that when we make moves in our portfolio, we are much more likely to be losers rather than winners.
Guns vs. Butter
We have limited resources, be they friends, family, money, skills, experience, or whatever. There is nothing we have that is without limit. The key to finding your own financial happiness is allocating your resources appropriately.
Understand How Big Financial Changes Affect You in the Long Run
At least once each year you will likely experience some big financial change. It could be a large stock award or having a baby. Or it might be missing out on a bonus round or a major repair on your home.
Create a Spending Plan
If you want to do everything you want in life and then die with a dollar in your bank account or whatever amount you want to leave your kids, there is a simple equation.
Plan to Leave Highly Appreciated Assets to Your Heirs
Today we are talking about legacy gifting. You may think you are too young to think about this, but I think you’re never too young to begin structuring your investments for the right long-term outcome.