Live Your Best Financial Life

Financial planning for tech professionals with company stock ready to integrate it into their financial life.

Clarity, Control & Intention

Financial Planning

Investment Management

Equity Compensation

Our Fiduciary Duty

Best Financial Life maintains a high-level of fiduciary responsibility. We are committed to providing the best advice according to our expertise, and will never accept commission from third-party entities. Our goal is to help you attain the comfort and success of financial fulfillment.


Your Path to Financial Improvement Begins With This Question

Your Path to Financial Improvement Begins With This Question

There is always room for change or improvement when it comes to your finances. But what you really should be asking yourself is this: Am I looking to optimize my current situation, or am I looking for tremendous improvement? In fact, for most people, simply understanding their current situation – what they own, what they make, what they spend, and what they owe – can be a radical improvement. This type of realization helps you grasp the bigger picture rather than spending energy on some minor issues.

The First Financial Question

The First Financial Question

The great majority of what passes for financial advice is directed at optimizing instead of drastic improvement. Any tip, hint, or singular transaction is a tweak on your financial situation and should be treated as such.

How To Achieve Financial Fulfillment

How To Achieve Financial Fulfillment

What comes to mind when you hear the word fulfill? Phrases like “to achieve,” “to carry out,” “to realize,” or “to put into effect” stand out, right? I always think about living out a dream, or finally achieving a goal that I’ve set for myself. The type of fulfillment I want to talk about today is financial fulfillment. Why? Because this, in essence, is when you are able to live your best financial life.

How To Define What You Want Out Of Life

How To Define What You Want Out Of Life

If I were to ask you what your goals are for your life, would you be able to answer? Or, would it evoke a sense of overwhelm or fear that you won’t be able to achieve or accomplish everything you want to in life? That you can’t or won’t do “enough.”

The Truth About Your Income

The Truth About Your Income

There is an increasing number of ways to be compensated for what we do, and it’s key to know how you are being paid, when, and why. Money isn’t everything, as they say, and they are absolutely right.

Why Did Goldilocks Get It Wrong?

Why Did Goldilocks Get It Wrong?

First things first, Goldilocks is a thief – let’s just get that out of the way. But have you ever happened to notice the other, less obvious way that Goldilocks got it all wrong? Together we will explore that answer as it relates to your – you guessed it! – finances, but more specifically, we will look at how it refers to the type of accounts you can use to store and grow your wealth.

Are You Ready to Live the Financial Life You Deserve?

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