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8 Investment Strategy Mistakes to Avoid

8 Investment Strategy Mistakes to Avoid

When was the last time you truly forgave someone? I’m talking about a time when someone did wrong to you with no explanation — leaving you bewildered as to why you were treated that way. And, unfortunately, you had no real recourse, except to pick yourself up and move on. But before you could truly do that, you had to forgive that person.

Strategize Your Finances: Put Your Cash Where It Counts

Strategize Your Finances: Put Your Cash Where It Counts

Having more income than you spend feels good, yet it’s crucial for us to recognize that this is, in fact, necessary. If you ever want to spend any time without income in your life – whether it’s retirement, a sabbatical, or whatever – then you must earn more than you spend.

The Importance of Having Access to Your Money

The Importance of Having Access to Your Money

Needing access to your investment accounts in an emergency creates enough of a logistical hurdle but holding investments that may take weeks or months to sell can really cause a problem.

Your Investments Should Be Experienced

Your Investments Should Be Experienced

When investing, it is easy to be attracted to the various vehicles, sectors, and strategies that surround us. Wall Street (and other financial agitators) knows this and they invent new angles every day with the primary goal of getting into your pocket.

Use The Markets Like a Tool

Use The Markets Like a Tool

Investing has become a game to most, but it should never be approached this way. From meme stocks to crypto, many of you are being far too cavalier with your investments.

Understand the Risk Your Company Stock Creates in Your Financial Life

Understand the Risk Your Company Stock Creates in Your Financial Life

Is the amount of stock you have accumulated starting to look large to you? Do you want to be sure you are doing the best thing with this important asset?