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How to Avoid Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

How to Avoid Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

The phrase in the title of this post is said to have been first used in the novel “Don Quixote,” and is written as follows, “It is the part of a wise man to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not venture all his eggs in one basket.” The message, of course, is that it can be quite risky to keep all your valuables in one place.

Why Volatility is Good

Why Volatility is Good

Higher risk must be accompanied by higher potential rewards. To get that, we have to accept more volatility and that’s what the stock market provides. Even a well-diversified portfolio will move up and down with the markets, so let’s structure a portfolio so we can live within the good times and the bad!

Faith In The Future

Faith In The Future

People do it all the time. In the face of their worst imaginable fears, they do it. Probably not because they want to. They do it, maybe, because that’s the way we humans are wired. What do they do? They continue. And the only thing that might be driving them is faith in the future. A faith that the future will be better.

What is Financial Planning?

What is Financial Planning?

Financial Planner. Financial Advisor. Investment Advisor. Or even an Investment Adviser. Do these terms create vibrations of stress in your life? I’m going to tell you exactly what I do for clients – not as a sales pitch, but so that you may be able to take some of this away and apply it in your life.

7 Mistakes Investors Make

7 Mistakes Investors Make

We all make mistakes – I know I’ve made my share. But for some reason, when it comes to investing, we are prone to repeating our mistakes – over and over. I think it’s because the “lesson” we tell ourselves we learned isn’t the right one.

Rely on the Wisdom of the Crowd

Rely on the Wisdom of the Crowd

If we invest in a market-like portfolio, with wide diversification and diligence around our appropriate asset allocation, we can predict the return it will provide fairly well. It takes planning to ensure we can do everything we want given the realistic returns we can expect from such a strategy.

Protect Your Assets by Understanding Your Exposure

Protect Your Assets by Understanding Your Exposure

Many of my clients originally reached out to me because they have a lot of company stock and don’t understand what it is or when to sell it. They are aware they lack “diversification,” but don’t know what to do about it—or if diversification is a big deal at all.

I Just Sold Some Stock—Now What?

I Just Sold Some Stock—Now What?

You’ve finally pulled the trigger, selling a chunk of your company stock and leaving you with a pile of cash sitting in your brokerage account. What now? Now you have a pile of cash and need to know what to do with it. Let’s talk about that.

How to Manage Your RSUs

How to Manage Your RSUs

Running on autopilot can be dangerous. If a pilot’s course is off by 1 degree traveling from San Francisco to New York, they will end up 40 miles out in the Pacific Ocean. Likewise, if you don’t recalibrate your financial autopilot settings, you’ll miss your destination of financial security.

Get Value (and Joy) Out of Your Spending by Knowing Where Your Money Goes

Get Value (and Joy) Out of Your Spending by Knowing Where Your Money Goes

A friend recently told me that all he wants to know about his finances is how much money he needs before retiring. He doesn’t care about understanding his spending—or even looking at it! He knows his spending is high today, but he believes he can reduce it at any time, and the best time seems to be retirement. This mindset will not lead you on the path to financial success.

Give a Job to Every Dollar You Have

Give a Job to Every Dollar You Have

In today’s busy world, you might often feel like you’re drowning in responsibilities to your family, coworkers, clients, and even your neighbors. There’s always someone or something saying you ought to be doing something.

Make Your Extra Cash Work For You

Make Your Extra Cash Work For You

Some people are concerned about spending their extra cash, while others are concerned that they’re not investing it. In either case, this situation can easily be avoided through a simple process that makes your cash work for you.