Empowering You to Live Your Best Financial Life
Our expertise in financial, investment, and retirement planning will guide your path to financial fulfillment.
Successful Investing: The Value of a 5-Year Cash Flow Plan
How should you invest the money you plan to spend in 2 years to buy a house/boat/car or go on a trip? The answer is, you shouldn’t. In this blogpost, we discuss how to truly get into the mindset of a long-term investor by projecting your net cash flows over the next five years and being sure NOT to invest them.
Strategize Your Finances: Put Your Cash Where It Counts
Having more income than you spend feels good, yet it’s crucial for us to recognize that this is, in fact, necessary. If you ever want to spend any time without income in your life – whether it’s retirement, a sabbatical, or whatever – then you must earn more than you spend.
Get the Most From Your HSA
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are available if you are in a High Deductible Health Plan. In other words, if you are in a health plan that qualifies as a cheaper plan with a high annual deductible, you can open an HSA along with it.
The Limited Significance of Your Money: Exploring its True Value
There are only four things you can do with your money: pay taxes, spend it, invest it, or give it away. That’s it. Not very exciting, is it. What is important, is how you use your money to get the life you want.
Optimizing Your Cash: Where to Put It
There are three important factors when it comes to holding cash: Liquidity, Risk of Loss, and Yield. If you are comparing alternatives and are only looking at yield, you will be giving up something in the other two areas of Liquidity and Risk of Loss.
Why You Need a Family Trust
Having a family trust in California is vital for protecting your estate and the financial well-being of your loved ones. It helps preserve family harmony, avoid lengthy delays and expenses associated with probate, and keeps your affairs private.
Don’t Set It and Forget It
Ok, so you’ve bought into ignoring short-term market fluctuations, but it’s likely not that simple. In my experience the idea of investing for the long run can fade quickly when the market gets stressed.
Unlocking the Power of Diversification: The Key to Financial Success
It is unfortunate, but to understand why diversification works, we must understand a little math. This mathematical magic is the key to constructing a portfolio that your well-thought-out financial plan deserves: a beautifully diversified investment strategy!
Maxing and Relaxing
So, you want to live comfortably in your future years and you’re not so sure it’s going to happen. What to do? The best step is to maximize your savings. If you’re not already putting the most you can into your retirement accounts, consider starting now.
The Rising Price of A Good Time
How much will you spend in the future? This is an important question, and we can get nearly there by looking at your current expenses. However, the biggest determinant of your future spending is actually inflation.
Why SVB Is Important For Your Portfolio
On March 8th, SVB was trading at $267 per share. By March 10th, you couldn’t give your SVB stock away. Investors lost $16 billion in 2 days. It’s easy to say, in hindsight, that it couldn’t happen to you, but there are some 8500 employees who just lost tens of millions of dollars in their company stock.
How to Use Roth Accounts
I like to call Roth Accounts the “Never Taxed Again” account because you are taxed on the money you put in, but you are not taxed when you take it out nor are you taxed on the earnings.