Empowering You to Live Your Best Financial Life
Our expertise in financial, investment, and retirement planning will guide your path to financial fulfillment.
Optimize Your Finances For YOU, Not Your Neighbors
The things you do and buy that do not follow your friends and neighbors are more likely to reflect your true values and purpose in life. And that’s what we want your money to do.
Understand Your Plan Will Not Come True
Think back to your time in school. Where did you think your life was headed? Has that come true? Now think back just five years and again, where did you think your life was headed?
Change Your Financial Plan
It might seem strange that I would suggest this given I don’t even know what your Financial Plan is, or even if you have one. But hear me out.
Know the Price Tag of Your Lifestyle
If one of your goals is to maintain or increase your lifestyle, doesn’t it seem logical that you should know how much your lifestyle costs?
Focus on Actual Cash Flow
A lot of people like to use rules of thumb with their finances. Don’t fall for that. You are not average. No one is.
Know What Is Important About Money to You
Let’s please agree on something. “More money” is not a goal. Money is simply a tool that allows us to do the things we want to do in life. More money certainly helps but only if you have a higher objective.
Review Your Estate Plan Each Year
When you die, what happens to the money and things that you own? Who will take care of your kids? If you are on life support, what decisions do you want to be made? Who will help manage your finances if you are incapacitated?
Only Own Life Insurance to Replace Income for Those Dependent on You
Life insurance is used to pay for things you would pay for yourself if you were alive to do it. Therefore, we only want to buy insurance to replace actual income you expect to earn during your lifetime.
Understand Your Homeowners Insurance Coverage
All homeowners insurance coverage is not the same. The popular carriers, you know the ones with the great ads on tv and the prominent office space in town, all those guys compete based on price.
Get Liability Protection on Your Entire Net Worth
Liability protection covers you in case of lawsuit. We live in a lawsuit-happy country. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. It is up to the defendant to put forward the case that they did nothing wrong.
Get All of Your Property and Casualty Insurance from One Carrier
I know what you’re thinking. Property and Casualty Insurance is boring! Well, sure, if it’s done right it’s supposed to be boring. Think about a time where you might have excitement in your life, and it involves insurance.
Plan to Leave Highly Appreciated Assets to Your Heirs
Today we are talking about legacy gifting. You may think you are too young to think about this, but I think you’re never too young to begin structuring your investments for the right long-term outcome.